Ayurveda points us to deeper levels of awareness of our body humors. Ayurveda calls Prakruti our nature/body humor. It is here that the answer lies in fine-tuning our bodies and minds. PurnaVeda (Full of Life) was founded to bring awareness and promote health and wellness by helping individuals find their true nature and balance within themselves. PurnaVeda is devoted to helping people with their daily life goals, finding a routine that will work, and using Ayurvedic medicine to bring balance back to the body.
"Anna" means food, and "Purna" means "Full." "Ayur" means science, and "Veda" means life. PurnaVeda comes from the name "Annapurna Ayurveda," the original name behind this foundation.
Annapurna will guide individuals by directing them to utilize their fullest potential. She will guide you to learn this great science and take more self-care into your life. First, looking at the mind is a way to find the root cause of many imbalances. Then, we look to diet and add herbal medicine and Ayurvedic treatments to cleanse the body and mind of toxins and ensure proper digestion.
Hippocrates says, " We are what we eat. Ayurveda says, "We are what we digest."
Ayurveda utilizes a unique approach to healing because it focuses on each person as an individual. It is not "one size fits all" concerning medicine. Ayurvedic medicine is prescribed to heal the individual with their natural body type and imbalance in mind, and kindle our "digestive juices," called Agni.
If you come with an imbalance such as a cold, the medicine, according to Ayurveda, may be different from one person to the other, depending on the person's individual Prakriti/nature and vikruti/imbalance. We approach balance carefully with herbal remedies and treatment therapies.
"Ayurveda considers health to be a state of the perfect balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, corresponding to one's individual Prakruti (constitution), and a balance of the 7 dhatus (tissues) and 3 malas (waste products), leading to a perfect balance of body, senses, mind, and consciousness. There is clarity, happiness, joy, peace, and love. Good, robust agni (digestive fire) allows this state of health to manifest...At a cellular level, this translates as a perfect balance of ojas, tejas, and prana, and a predominance of sattva in the mind."
-Dr. Vasant Lad